Wednesday, February 10, 2010

State legislation - Kentucky HB 159 moves forward with committee substitute to create Kentucky Applied Behavior Analysis Licensing Board

A previous post reported on Kentucky HB 159, which specified a licensing condition for behavior analysts practicing in the state, depending on the conditions specified in the bill, as Licensed Behavior Analyst or Licensed Assistant Behavior Analyst; however at the time of that post, the proposal was that  regulation and licensure would be under the purview of Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology.

HB 159 also contains a section defining health insurance coverage for autism with differentials from ages 1-6 years and 7-21 years with applied behavior analysis and practice defined, included under the category of "habilitative and rehabilitative care". The competencies of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board are specified in HB 159 under the definitions and in meeting the licensure requirements.

On February 10, 2010, the Kentucky Legislative website reports that a substitute bill for HB 159 (HCS) passed favorably from the  House Standing Committee on Local Government now specifies establishment of a separate licensing board - the "Kentucky Applied Behavior Analysis Licensing Board".

HCS/HM - Delete the provisions relating to regulation and licensure of applied behavior analysis for behavior disorders by the Board of Examiners of Psychology and in lieu thereof establish a new KRS Chapter 319B to create the Kentucky Applied Behavior Analysis Licensing Board including the definitions, membership, terms, per diem and authority of the board, the requirements for licensure, and the exemptions from licensure; retain the provisions containing the health mandate, but clarify that the large group mandate for individuals is for individuals through age six by providing that individuals between the ages of one and their seventh birthday shall receive the mandated benefits.

(1)    (a)    There is hereby created the Kentucky Applied Behavior Analysis Licensing Board. The board shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Governor.

(b)    The initial board members shall be appointed as follows:
1.    Four (4) members shall be credentialed behavior analysts nominated by a credentialed behavior analyst practicing in the state;
2.    One (1) member shall be a psychologist licensed in the state, the majority of whose practice is related to the treatment of behavior disorders, including but not limited to autism spectrum disorders. The psychologist member shall be nominated by a credentialed behavior analyst practicing in the state; and
3.    Two (2) members shall be the parent of a child diagnosed with and treated for a behavior disorder, including but not limited to an autism spectrum disorder, selected from the state at large.

(c)    Subsequent board members shall be appointed by the Governor as follows:
1.    Four (4) members shall be licensed behavior analysts nominated by a licensed behavior analyst practicing in the state;
2.    One (1) member shall be a psychologist licensed in the state, the majority of whose practice is related to the treatment of behavior disorders, including but not limited to autism spectrum disorders. The psychologist member shall be nominated by a licensed behavior analyst practicing in the state; and
3.    Two (2) members shall be the parent of a child diagnosed with and treated for a behavior` disorder, including but not limited to an autism spectrum disorder, selected from the state at large.
Other specifications and conditions stated in full text of the amendment

Record of HB 159 at Kentucky Legislature

Autism Votes Kentucky

Model licensing Act ABA International

BACB Model Licensing Act
Association of Professional Behavior Analysts members only

Past blog posts

Thursday, January 14, 2010
LEG. NEWS: Kentucky - Bill Introduced to Establish Licensure of Behavior Analysts

© 2010 Regina G. Claypool-Frey
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