Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Health; Live Webcast on 5/20/10 to answer questions on Affordable Care Act benefit to Americans with disabilities., managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, is online to answer consumer and stakeholder questions about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - H.R. 3590, signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010; now Public Law No: 111-148 (text of P.L. not yet posted at the Government Printing Office).

Besides answers to FAQs, there is also a map to check status reports on health reform implementation in each U.S. state, and the Health Reform Blog with a variety of posts by officials and administrators in the federal government on how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will proceed on such as state management of high risk pools, as well as corrections or explanations of items in the press .

There is also a weekly live web chat to answer questions and address various aspects of the law. Past chats are also archived for any unable to make the live chat.
"This Thursday, May 20, 2010 1PM EDT, the web chat topic is how the Affordable Care Act will benefit Americans with disabilities. Submit questions for the chat to You can watch the web chat live at:

Do you have a disability or have someone close to you who does? Do you wonder if and how the Affordable Care Act can really help you?  We'll be taking your questions about how the Affordable Care Act will benefit people with disabilities, or those with loved ones affected by a disability. Join our WebChat this upcoming Thursday, May 20, at 1:00 P.M EDT at

Henry Claypool, the Director of the Office of Disability at HHS, Jeffrey Crowley, Senior Advisor on Disability Policy at the White House and Meena Seshamani, Deputy Director in the Office of Health Reform at HHS will discuss and answer YOUR questions about how the Affordable Care Act will help those who have a disability. 
Send your questions to and we'll answer as many as possible during Chat. We will also take questions live from twitter using our handle @HHSGOV.

This week's show is the eighth in the Affordable Care Act WebChat series. Tune in each week as we continue to talk about different aspects of the new health reform bill so that you, your family and friends can stay informed. You can find previous WebChats on and browse the site to find all the latest information available from HHS on the new law.  Thanks for participating, and stay tuned to get your questions answered."
For further reading or reference

H.R. 3590
Certified by Superintendent of Documents
United States Government Printing Office

Past blog post
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Federal legislation: U.S. House passes Senate health care reform bill to be signed into law; reconciliation act goes to the Senate

© 2010 Regina G. Claypool-Frey
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